Two ISL coaching vacancies have recently been filled; James Baker will take over as the head coach at Governor's Academy, and Jay Dawson will be the lead man at Brooks School.
The Govs coaching position became available in June when James Cramphin resigned after his fourth season. Cramphin started his own business as an educational consultant.
Baker comes to Governor's Academy with experience as a former D3 College World Series participant and a seven-year professional pitcher. He also served as an assistant coach and recruiting coordinator at Colby College for three seasons. As his primary source of income, Baker co-owns an athlete development business along with Gardy O'Flynn, named Baker O'Flynn Sports.
Brooks School had a coaching vacancy one year after hiring Matt Antonelli to lead the program. Dawson works with Antonelli's travel program, Antonelli Baseball, as the head coach of spring and summer teams. Prior to his five seasons with Antonelli Baseball, he coached Legends Baseball at the 9U to 13U levels.