Over the past several months, I have been reminding parents to "check the new 2018 bat standards before purchasing a bat" in order to make sure it is compliant for the upcoming season. "You would hate to buy a new bat and not be able to use it in a game," I cautioned parents. And then on Christmas … [Read more...]
Effort trumps talent
Coaches, I have two rosters in front of me, and you get to choose which team you would like to coach in 2018. There’s no draft or selection process. You simply get Roster No. 1 or Roster No. 2. Roster No. 1: It’s not the Bad News Bears, but talent is scarce on this squad. What they lack in talent, … [Read more...]
Kids prefer their grandparents’ attention
Imagine this. Your child has his biggest game of his life. It’s the high school state title game or the town championship that everyone wants to attend. The whole town is talking about the "big game," but there’s a catch: You need a ticket to go to this game and there is limited seating. So, how do … [Read more...]
Fenway on the Cape
My 8-year-old son was standing in line for a postgame ice cream. His white baseball pants were now brown, his eye black was smudged all over his face, and his cleats were most certainly bringing unwanted dirt into the small ice cream shop in Hyannis. "So, did you win?" asked an older gentleman in … [Read more...]
MLB too slow to improve pace
Are you a fan of Major League Baseball? Well, guess what? MLB couldn’t care less about you, the fan. In most major sports in this country, the leaders strive to make their product more appealing to the lifeblood of their league — their fans. But Major League Baseball is ignoring you. Oh, baseball … [Read more...]