Through the kitchen window of his family’s campus house, Kevin Graber can look out over the diamond at Phillips Academy Andover, a visual reward given dozens of times daily for a man whose last four decades have been consumed — agreeably — by baseball.
Behind the kitchen is a small dining room dominated by an old wooden table, where Graber often sits alone and writes out his lineup card. But it also can be boisterously crowded, like it was recently when the players on his Andover team spent an afternoon coloring Easter eggs.
Like many boys, Graber grew up with dreams of playing big-league baseball, ones he carried into college and independent ball. When those ended, he transitioned to coaching, staying deeply entrenched in the game he loves. He and his wife, Tina, had three children, raising them largely at Andover after he was hired by the school to work in the admissions department and coach baseball in 2008.