It doesn't come as a secret that the Central New England Preparatory School Baseball League (CNEPSBL) has soared over the years in becoming one of the most dangerous, respected and talented conferences in the Northeast. The programs in the league have cultivated a solid reputation in terms of building from the ground floor upward.
The league can also boast about its solid prominence in preparing and sending numerous players to prominent college baseball programs throughout the country. None of that is expected to change heading into the 2021 season, in spite of the recent COVID circumstances.
Although the CNEPSBL itself will not be conducted in its usual manner as in previous years, which included a four-team championship tournament, due to pandemic protocols, nevertheless, the majority of the schools are still planning to play games this year in addition to squaring off against other schools situated in the Northeast.
New England Baseball Journal continues in its series of preseason league previews by highlighting the powerful CNEPSBL. Please note that Northfield Mt. Hermon School chose not to participate in this story due to its uncertainty of playing any interscholastic contests this spring.