Baseball players may attend camp for a host of different reasons. For some, it’s simply to have fun playing. For others, camp may present an opportunity to spend time with friends or to hone skills after the spring season. Older players may strategically attend camps at schools they may wish to attend.
In addition to hours of practice and countless repetitions, one of the best ways to become a better baseball player is to attend a baseball camp or clinic where experienced coaches help players identify their individual strengths and areas of improvement. Players then have dedicated time to practice what they’ve learned and to play the game. This all requires physical and mental energy, which comes from food and hydration.
What are your goals for camp? If they include improving your skills, becoming a better all-around player or getting noticed by the coaches, nutrition can help you. If you are a parent sending your son or daughter to a camp or clinic, please be attentive to what’s going into the cooler for the day.