During the summer months, scouts start to shift their focus toward the next year's MLB Draft class. Incoming seniors at the prep and high school levels begin to see more scouts and cross-checkers at showcase events.
For the top prospects in the Class of 2022, the most important dates on the scouting calendar fall in early August -- when the top regional players will compete in the Area Code Games and East Coast Pro Showcase. With tryouts for those events scheduled to start next week, we'll take a look at some of the players who might be considered for those rosters.
Players from all of the New England states will represent the Northeast at the Area Code Games, along with players from New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Eastern Canada. The roster size is limited to 30 players. Last year, nine of the 30 players hailed from New England.
The East Coast Pro Showcase does not restrict roster size as much as the Area Code Games, and the Northeast team covers a smaller geographical area. Last year, 10 New England players made the East Coast Pro Showcase roster.