The Worcester Polytechnic Institute baseball team will likely be looking for a new home field in 2022 after operating out of the New England Baseball Complex (NEBC) for the past seven years.
That will be the likely outcome of 3STEP Sports' recent acquisition of all operations at NECB in Northborough, Mass. 3STEP Sports, the nation's largest youth sports club and event operator, will oversee a shift toward bringing more youth showcase events -- particularly New Balance Select tournaments -- to NEBC.
NEBC's 2022 schedule is already almost entirely filled with events ranging from New Balance Select tournaments for 9U and 10U players to Perfect Game New England regional showcases. With the exception of one weekend in April, every single weekend in April, May, June and July is accounted for.
That will force WPI to find another home field, as the majority of college games take place on the weekends.