Meet Malachi Emond
Team: Aberdeen IronBirds
Position: Right-handed pitcher
MLB organization: Baltimore Orioles
Hometown: Coventry, Conn.
High school: Coventry High
Colleges: Albertus Magnus, Western Oklahoma State College (community college), University of New Mexico
The Orioles drafted you in the 18th round back in June. What was that experience like?
“I was actually at home with one of my best friends, Justin Blosser. We were at his house watching the draft tracker. I came into the room on Day 3, about the 17th round. I said, ‘I’m not going to get drafted for a little while,’ so I left the room and muted the tracker because I didn’t want to just keep listening. Right when I left the room, I got a text from one of my friends at school, saying, ‘Let’s go! Congrats, I’m so happy for you.’ I ran back inside the room, unmuted it, and it said, ‘With the first pick of the 18th round, Orioles select Malachi Emond.’ I gave my boy a hug. It was just a lot of surreal feelings over me.”