Parents: This lesson is for you. Many of you have likely performed multiple job searches over your professional career. If you want to help your child land a college baseball opportunity, think about what worked in your own job search. Target your top choice of schools. It’s a lot easier to … [Read more...]
Travel coach: ‘Infield in’ call should consider many factors
One of the areas I think worth a deeper look as a coach is the depth at which coaches play their infielders after a call of “infield in.” Playing your infield in is generally intended to gamble on playing closer to home plate in an effort to get a runner out at home via tag or force. It can also … [Read more...]
Travel column: Parents, take responsibility for your child’s arm care
As a parent, one of the hardest things to experience is an overuse injury caused to your young athlete. Overuse injuries usually start with some form of mental fatigue, physical fatigue, or combination of both. When an injury follows the overuse, we often reflect on those moments of fatigue in … [Read more...]
Travel ball coach: Play like somebody is watching
I remember playing college baseball and knowing when a scout was in the stands. At times you’d converse with them, at times you wouldn’t. With that said, you always knew when they were around, and you would make sure you were on your “A-game.” That was back when the world wasn’t as … [Read more...]
Travel ball coach: Freshmen, start by being a great teammate
What are college coaches looking for when it comes to evaluating freshmen? I spoke with three New England college head coaches and asked them all the same thing: “How did the freshmen perform in your fall scrimmages?” Their answers provide a good illustration of the transition coaches go … [Read more...]
Travel ball coach: Focus on development chances on game day
Baseball is hard. It becomes a lot harder when a player repeatedly foregoes opportunities to get better. Too often players today are programmed to focus strictly on development at practice. During games, they are consumed by their own performance. If I’ve learned anything in baseball, the best … [Read more...]